"Because of Grameenphone eVTS, I have overcome from a situation where I was always worried about my car...",Ghulam Muqtadeer Chowdhury, Director Sales at Freight Managment Limited.
"From my personal opinion if you use this Smart Vehicle Tracker from Grameenphone, you'll notice that you're very much relaxed.", Dr. Nazrul Islam, Professor and Advisor at School of Science and Technology.
Freight Managment Limited
"Because of Grameenphone eVTS, I have overcome from a situation where I was always worried about my car...",Ghulam Muqtadeer Chowdhury, Director Sales at Freight Managment Limited.
"From my personal opinion if you use this Smart Vehicle Tracker from Grameenphone, you'll notice that you're very much relaxed.", Dr. Nazrul Islam, Professor and Advisor at School of Science and Technology.
Freight Managment Limited
"Because of Grameenphone eVTS, I have overcome from a situation where I was always worried about my car...",Ghulam Muqtadeer Chowdhury, Director Sales at Freight Managment Limited.
"From my personal opinion if you use this Smart Vehicle Tracker from Grameenphone, you'll notice that you're very much relaxed.", Dr. Nazrul Islam, Professor and Advisor at School of Science and Technology.
Freight Managment Limited
"Because of Grameenphone eVTS, I have overcome from a situation where I was always worried about my car...",Ghulam Muqtadeer Chowdhury, Director Sales at Freight Managment Limited.
"From my personal opinion if you use this Smart Vehicle Tracker from Grameenphone, you'll notice that you're very much relaxed.", Dr. Nazrul Islam, Professor and Advisor at School of Science and Technology.
Freight Managment Limited
"Because of Grameenphone eVTS, I have overcome from a situation where I was always worried about my car...",Ghulam Muqtadeer Chowdhury, Director Sales at Freight Managment Limited.
"From my personal opinion if you use this Smart Vehicle Tracker from Grameenphone, you'll notice that you're very much relaxed.", Dr. Nazrul Islam, Professor and Advisor at School of Science and Technology.
Freight Managment Limited
"Because of Grameenphone eVTS, I have overcome from a situation where I was always worried about my car...",Ghulam Muqtadeer Chowdhury, Director Sales at Freight Managment Limited.
"From my personal opinion if you use this Smart Vehicle Tracker from Grameenphone, you'll notice that you're very much relaxed.", Dr. Nazrul Islam, Professor and Advisor at School of Science and Technology.