Charting the Path for CPPA in Bangladesh

May 21, 2024


Charting the Path for CPPA in Bangladesh

21st May’24


As part of our ongoing efforts to reduce GP's carbon footprint, we are thrilled to update you about a recent milestone in our journey towards a greener future.

You are all aware of our ambitious climate target: a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. Most of our carbon footprint comes from electricity consumption, which is why we are advocating for a shift to renewable energy.

For this we need a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) Policy to make it happen. On 21st May, we teamed up with BPDB and the USAID-BADGE Project for a workshop on 'Charting the Path for CPPA in Bangladesh'.

Our goal was to highlight the need for a CPPA framework -address the challenges, and propose solutions. We took the lead by presenting our CO2 reduction targets and advocating for pilot CPPAs. We along with industry leaders like H&M joined us in pushing for change.

Our active involvement in the workshop demonstrates our commitment to advocacy and our determination to meet our climate targets. 

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue on our sustainability journey!


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