Partnership with UNDP

July 9, 2023


1st Nov’2021

Future Nation is a new coalition of the government, private and development sector leaders to accelerate the future national economic growth agenda by transforming the country’s population dividend into the key driving force of the economy and enabling them to achieve economic independence beyond borders.

The program has emerged in the context of the post-COVID world as a collective effort to create decent work and entrepreneurship opportunities for the nation. The program envisions enabling Economic Opportunities for All in Bangladesh by 2041. The program also aspires to take a strategic position to become a leading economic enabler by building an agile eco-system connecting industry experts to accelerate economic opportunities through investment development, workforce capability development and relevant enablement supports. The idea is that the youth workforce will be able to convert the set of capabilities and enablement gained from the program into higher paid jobs both locally and globally which would yield a stream of income in years to come. The program will also focus on building the next generation of entrepreneurs across the nation.

FutureNation marks the unique collaboration between Development sector (UNDP) and the private sector (Grameenphone) also involving Government sector to join hands and drive this critical journey ahead. Bangladesh is a country of dreams and the realization of the dream depends on the majority our young work-ready population will enter into a mature stage in next 20 years. Future Nation takes the mission to create conducive environment to utilize this generation for economic value creation through enablement of the youth with the right skills and economic opportunities.

The collaboration has been established when UNDP identified that the private sector is not only a critical player in development but also in responding to a crisis, in post-crisis recovery, and in preparedness for recurrence. UNDP introduced Post Covid19 he private sector platform which acted as a multi-sector, multi-stakeholder frontier to serve as a mechanism and conduit for the business community to be engaged in the nCOVID-19 response faster and at scale, while planning ahead for recovery through innovation and suggested reforms.

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