Managed IoT Cloud

Our cloud based IoT platform and application tool box. An end-to-end solution that works with any type of connectivity technology.

Managed IoT Cloud is a secure cloud platform for device and data management that generates valuable and useful insights about your connected products. It provides the building blocks you need to connect your product, collect and store all product data, and extract value and insights from that data. It includes a self-service tool and a customizable application to get you kick-started for when your digital service starts to grow, Managed IoT scales with you, globally.

We also cooperate with device and application partners to provide a complete end-to-end solution for your digital services. Business relations with the partners are solely established by you based on your needs.

Managed IoT Cloud enables you to focus on your connected product and its user experience, while we take care of the underlying technology infrastructure.

  • An end-to-end solution as a service
  • Shortens your time to market
  • Reduces your cost and risk using a proven and operational IoT cloud platform
  • Enables you to focus on customer experience and business development instead of technology
  • Helps you scale your solution globally

Managed IoT Cloud in summary

  • A cloud service providing cost efficient, scalable solutions instead of having to invest into IT projects & operations
  • A proven end-to-end solution speeding up time to market
  • A solution that enables you to keep focus on customer experience and business development instead of technology
  • A fully scalable, secure and reliable solution
  • Access to 400+ global mobile networks
  • A multi network and multi platform solution
  • Possibility to real time insight into the network via ARTS

App Board

The Managed IoT Cloud App Board is a customizable web application, leveraging the platform APIs. It allows users to view, manage, and analyse data from your products as well as interacting with them. It also serves as a self-service tool for managing your products and their data.


  • Branding by configuration.
  • Drag and drop customizable dashboards with numerous widget types to choose from.
  • Tracking and inventory.
  • Product monitoring and control.
  • Events and alarms.


  • Intuitive and gets you started with minimal effort.
  • App Board supports a number of common use cases “out of the box” – immediate value and use case validation.
  • Possibility to tailor the look and feel.
  • Accessible from PC or mobile phone.

Information Management

Stores and processes information from your products and exposes open APIs to applications such as the App Board, tailored application or any 3rd party system. The Information Management layer also includes user management, meta data management and a powerful rule engine.


  • Stores observation gathered from the products.
  • Data processing and advanced query capabilities towards large volumes of data.
  • Powerful rule engine allows automated processing of data.
  • Integration and interaction through a selection of tools such as API, webhooks and integration engines.


  • A scalable, reliable, and cost efficient platform and infrastructure.
  • Eases the burden of an end-to-end IoT solution, letting you focus on your product and its application, not the underlying infrastructure
  • Enables easy integration with any 3rd party system

Communication Management

To securely and reliably maintain two-way communication with a large number of intermittently connected products, we supply specialized infrastructure, functions and protocols.


  • MQTT protocol and scalable message buss
  • Mutual authentication and encryption for connected devices
  • Policy-based authorization and access control
  • Automatic synchronization between device and cloud connect platform when device is online


  • Scalable, reliable and secure mechanisms for two way communication with large number of intermittently connected things
  • Shorten time to market for your solution by leveraging proven technology
  • Tailor access rights to suit your application needs

Device Management

After a successful launch, a connected product needs to be both maintained and improved over its lifecycle. To address this, Device Management enables you to track and maintain asset records, and remotely update the software of the device and your product.


  • Supports upload and download of files to and from products
  • Enables remote updates of firmware
  • Manage credentials and certificates
  • Product registry including meta data


  • Update your products’ software remotely, without field visits.
  • Add software-defined functionality over the product’s life-cycle
  • Manage security credentials


Simplify connecting your product with the Connector, an optional software library for embedded environments. With the Connector, you get access to proven functionality that streamlines your embedded development effort and helps you optimize and secure the connection over the mobile network.


  • Keeps resources updated between the cloud and the device
  • Provides implementations of TLS encryption and the MQTT protocol
  • Implements GSMA IoT Connection Efficiency
  • Stores security credentials on the device


  • Shortens development time for device application
  • Reduces cost by optimizing data transfer

To download the brochure: Click Here 

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