Together, fighting Coronavirus is possible

We crave to meet our loved ones and with growing distance and time, the desire to see them again only gets stronger. Our heart is content the moment we hear their voices or see their faces on our mobile screen. In those moments we feel like life has returned to normal. Grameenphone is here to make those possibilities a reality. To keep those moments alive, Grameenphone stands by you with network and connectivity services, so you can remain close to your loved ones no matter where you are.

In November 2019, there was an outbreak of coronavirus in China. It quickly spread all over the world and was soon declared a pandemic. To counter its effects, Grameenphone has undertaken a series of initiatives as its social responsibility to create awareness among the people and prevent the spread of coronavirus in the country. IEDCR Hotline numbers 16263, 10655 and 333 have been introduced, free and available for all Grameenphone users seeking information on coronavirus. Grameenphone also circulated a ‘Stay Home’ message from their network to alert 7.5 crore subscribers on avoiding public gatherings and maintaining social distance.

Towards the beginning of the pandemic in Bangladesh, Grameenphone launched a campaign called ‘Bangladesh Challenge’ in collaboration with ICT division, a2i and Google. The campaign urged everyone to pinpoint important locations such as hospitals, commodity markets, mobile balance recharge points, Nagad/bKash point, and others in their respective locality so that it becomes easily accessible to the public. The response from the initiative was as expected. 31,000 registrations, of which 1621 were Google links and 635 were Open Street Map links, and 42,000 Map posts were received according to the information received by

In the fight against coronavirus, frontline health workers are at the highest health risk of contracting the disease. To support them, Grameenphone has committed to the handover of 50,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Ministry of Health, which have been distributed to doctors working in DGHS designated hospitals.

To help the frontline doctors keep in touch with their families from work, Grameenphone has provided them with a 30GB internet pack for BDT 1 per month. This special benefit will remain effective for the next six months for 25,000 doctors registered under DG Health.

Many Grameenphone users have been unable to recharge their balance due to the restrictions imposed for Coronavirus. Grameenphone has enabled 1 crore such users with 10 crore minutes of free talktime in this emergency. Moreover, the expiration of these connections has been extended till May 31st, 2020.

Starting from the state system, trade, education to emergency services – everything is now running depending on the internet. We believe if the Internet is made available to all, we will be able to navigate the challenges during this crisis better. Institutional work, home delivery of daily necessities, financial transactions and sharing - everything is made possible because of the internet. Internet has helped us and encouraged us to accept this New Normal. It has made it possible to bridge the distance between us and our loved ones with just a video call or text message.

The weekly internet packs on MyGP app provides a 100% internet bonus to let customers enjoy the benefits of buying internet packs online or recharging online from the comfort of their homes without having to step outside.

We will do everything in our power to take this nation forward, protecting its people from this pandemic. It is our duty towards humanity to remain committed in our promise by standing by every single person of this country during this difficult time.

In addition to these initiatives, all Grameenphone subscribers can now enjoy talking to any mobile operator numbers at a rate of 48 paisa/minute from 8am to 12pm, on recharging BDT 48.

A security credit scheme of BDT 10 crore has been deposited for small business associate retailers who are facing financial losses due to the Coronavirus pandemic, so they can continue their business during these difficult times.

We believe our initiatives will give our customers the opportunity to remain close and connected to their loved ones in these difficult times.

Our lives have changed a lot since the advent of the coronavirus. But our people have never succumbed to any changed situation before and similarly, we will survive this pandemic together. Life goes on - we have accepted the new normal.

Digital Services

In this New Normal journey, every member of the Grameenphone family is working relentlessly to ensure uninterrupted internet services to every corner of the country.  
Even as we stay distant, we can keep our nation healthy together.  
Thank you for your trust in us.

What is Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and Covid-19?

Coronavirus (CoV) belongs to a larger family of viruses which can lead to mild fever or even fatal diseases, for example: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERSE-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and Covid-19.

SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus is responsible for the COVID-19 disease, and it is a new species which has not been seen in the human body before. It is an enveloped, positive sense, single strand RNA virus.

  • Symptoms generally appear within 2-14 days
  • In most cases, the first symptom is fever (more than 100 degree Fahrenheit/38 degree Celsius)
  • Dry cough/sore throat may also occur
  • Respiratory issues or pneumonia may occur
  • Other existing illnesses (diabetes/ hypertension/respiratory/heart disease/kidney problems etc.) can lead to organ failure or various bodily disorders.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Use arm/tissue/cloth to cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid gatherings.
  • Maintain social distancing by keeping at least a 3 ft distance from people around you.
  • Stay home, unless there is an urgent need. Stay safe, and ensure others’ safety too.
  • Avoid all kinds of travel, and stay in self-imposed home-quarantine in case of any recent travel history.
  • Do not spit anywhere. Avoid contact with people who are in quarantine.
  • Avoid contact with people who have already been infected.

  • Patients showing symptoms should isolate himself/herself immediately and stay in home quarantine.
  • Patients showing symptoms need to contact 16263 or 333 or IEDCR hotline (Grameenphone users can call for free at 16263 and 333).

Click here to get latest update on Coronavirus from DG of health services

Awareness is the key to prevent the spread of Coronavirus

How to prevent infection

Reduce the risk of infection through social distancing

To get help

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