In the world of Internet, we need to know where to stop
In the world of Internet, possibilities are constantly created. But misuse of this technology is also creating various kinds of problems. However, it is possible to be safe by practicing some caution. We need to know about the proper use of the Internet and understand where we should stop.
Fake Profile Warning
It is possible to make our online experience safer and more pleasant with some caution when using social media. On social media, we all have a space for creating our identities. Commonly we call it our “profile”. But the problem begins when someone hides their true identity behind a different name or picture. These fake profiles can cause damage to you due to their dubious nature. Therefore we need to know how to easily identify and keep a safe distance from them. But how is it possible to recognize a fake profile? First of all, check the profile picture. You can search the image to see if it is found anywhere else. Moreover, you should also check-
Once you are sure about the fake ID, you can unfollow or unfriend him. You can also go to that profile and report to stop that fake ID from causing harm to others. And if you are a victim of any kind of harassment from these IDs, you can also complain to the law enforcement agencies.
Avoiding rumors
Knowingly or unknowingly your small share online can cause a big harm. It is possible to prevent rumors by using the Internet with a little responsible behavior! But in the midst of so much daily information, how do you know which is right and which is wrong? For this, the source of the information must be cross checked first. Check that the source of the information is credible. Also you have to pay attention to-
After verifying these, if you think the information is wrong, you must refrain yourself from sharing. If the information comes to you from a page, you can report it and in case of e-mail, report it as a spam mail.
Prevent Online Harassment
Words hurt too! A small word posted online or even an emoji can hurt people’s feelings. But if we are a bit aware of our online behavior then these things are possible to avoid. You must have someone in your friend list who you do not know personally. Unknown people like them can hurt you. Hence, try not to accept friend requests from these strangers. That’s not all -
In the world of Internet, possibilities are limitless and in the same manner there’s also chances of it being misused. If you are a bit more aware, then it’s possible to stay safe!
Protecting Personal Information
Do you share your personal information with everyone in real life? Then why do it online? Sometimes sharing personal information online can lead to grave danger. However, if you want it’s possible to stay safe! Do not share your full name, phone number, email id or password online. Moreover -
New ways of misusing your personal information are being sought out every day. You have to be well informed about online safety and be aware of how you share your personal information online.
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