Village Phone


Village Phone Program is a noble effort by tri party (GP-GTC-GB) to eliminate poverty by providing self-employment opportunity. Village Phone program has created an income-earning opportunity for the VP operators, mostly poor women and borrower members of Grameen Bank, who are now able to make their opinions count. The Village Phone (VP) initiative has made tremendous social and economic impact in the rural areas of Bangladesh, creating a 'substantial consumer surplus' for the users. They are popularly known as VPO (Village Phone Operator). It Received 'GSMA in the Community Award' in 2000, 'Commonwealth Innovation Award' in 2003 & "Petersburg Prize" awarded by the Gateway Foundation in 2005. The profit for VPO is the difference between end customer tariff & operator's tariff. This profit enables them to meet not only basic need like food, shelter, health etc. but also entertainment need.



  • Prepaid Price Plan
  • Tk. 50 Preloaded talk time with validity of 30 days
  • Make and Receive Calls from any phone (Mobile, PSTN,ISD)
  • Electronic and Scratch Card Based Recharge
  • VP Community Pricing
  • 10 sec pulse
  • Start up price BDT 250

Tariff for Opt-in Plan

TypeCall Rate
Any Local Operator25 poisha/10 sec
Pulse10 second
SMS50 poisha/ SMS and 25 Poisha/ Bangla SMS

Tariff for Default Plan

TypeCall Rate
Any Local Operator21.67 poisha/10 sec
Pulse10 second
SMS50 poisha/ English SMS and 25 Poisha/ Bangla SMS


* 20% Supplementary Duty (SD) + 15 % VAT inclusive of SD will be applicable for all charges + 1% surcharge on base tariff

*All local P2P Bangla/ Unicode SMS tariff 0.25 taka (without VAT, SC and SD) and character count will be as per global measurement

*To migrate this optional tariff plan Please Dial *479*2# (free)

*To migrate the default tariff plan Please Dial *479*1# (free)


This is a new Tariff Plan for all existing and new Village Phone customers where customer can Opt-In simply by dialing *479*1# (Free of charge). However, from 11th March, 2015 onwards new VP customers will automatically get this tariff plan.

25 poisha/10 sec 24hrs to any local number with 10 second pulse.

Only Village Phone customers are eligible for this tariff plan.

There is no validity for this Tariff Plan. Once customers opt-in to this tariff plan it will be valid for unlimited time.

Yes but tariff of that specific campaign will be applicable first. After the campaign is over or if customer opt-out from that campaign 99 paisa tariff will be applicable.

Customers can opt out by Dialing *479*2# (Free of charge)

If the customer, opt-out from 25 poisha/10 sec plan then s/he can enjoy the default tariff plan

Churn customers will enjoy the VP default tariff plan when activated. However if s/he wants to avail this tariff plan then s/he has to dial *479*1# (Free of charge) for activation.

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