eSIM Migration


Based on your online request, our dedicated delivery partner will reach you at your door-step to serve your eSIM
migration service faster, easier and convenient like never before. Currently available 
for Metropolitan area of Dhaka
City only



Purchase From 3G To 4G eSIM Migration 4G To 4G eSIM Migration
Online Order 299 Tk 299 Tk
GP Touch point/ Service Center 299 Tk 299 Tk

Benefit (From 3G to 4G eSIM Migration):

  • This 4G Data can only be used if the customer has a 4G SIM/eSIM , a 4G Enabled Handset, and is in 4G Coverage Area

*Free for Gold, Platinum & Signature Star Customers Only

Fee: TK 299

Phone No. of SIM you want to migrate

Alternative Contact No.

Your National ID Number (NID)