Grameenphone VoLTE

Grameenphone VoLTE brings you the next generation of voice communication through advanced technology. This new technology enables its consumers to make voice calls through 4G network instead of switching to 2G or 3G network. The benefits of VoLTE include crystal clear voice quality which is better than 2G and 3G networks, the ability to connect calls much faster and greatly improved device battery life.

Benefits of GP VoLTE Service

Ultra HD Voice Call

Better Battery Performance

Fastest Call Connection

Simultaneous Voice & Internet

To Try Out Grameenphone VoLTE

4G Coverage

Enable Switch

4G Sim

VoLTE Enabled Handset

Updated OS

Check VoLTE Enabled Handsets

Brand Name :


Model :


How to Find TAC Number

The first 8 digit of your IMEI number is your TAC Number


Open dialer on your mobile


Dial *#06#


Your IMEI TAC Number

Know More About VoLTE

VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is a technology that enables voice calling over 4G. Also, users can experience HD quality crystal clear voice with faster call setup time. Without VoLTE, your phone must drop back to 2G and 3G during voice calls. VoLTE allows users to stay on the 4G network during voice calls and can continue to have un-interrupted high-speed 4G internet experience. VoLTE calls will be charged in exactly the same manner as 2G and 3G voice calls. There are no additional data charges.

HD Voice Calls: Crystal clear conversations as if you are right next to each other. Faster Call Connect: Call setup time is way faster than normal calls. Efficient Multi-tasking: You can now make calls without disrupting your 4G internet sessions Improved Battery Life: You will experience less battery drain during call and internet sessions. To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure the pre-requisites.

To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure following:

  • USIM/4G SIM. This should be inserted in the SIM slot with data capability and “network mode” as 4G/3G/2G (Auto)
  • VoLTE enabled Handset and enable VoLTE option in the phone
  • To be in GP 4G coverage.
  • Need to have the upgraded OS Software provided by your handset manufacturer

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