Access to Quality Education

Grameenphone’s commitment to supporting SDG #10 has specific goals to use our connectivity in to reducing inequalities through scalable and sustainable Education Initiatives.

Supporting Book Reading Program

“Alor Pathshala” (School of Enlightenment: is the first online book reading platform launched by Bishwo Shahitto Kendro (BSK) and Grameenphone, on 19 March 2014. Alor Pathsala enables students to enjoy local and international classics.

Grameenphone supports the Book Reading Program of Bishwo Shahitto Kendro (BSK) with the aim to create an Enlightened Nation. Since 2004 more than 1 million students participated in this program while more than 300,000 students were recognized for their reading habits.

Online School

Grameenphone has been a partner to JAAGO in bringing Online School concept since 2011 where teachers take classes using video conferencing technology in ten remote schools across the country. Today there are 1200 students studying in ten Online Schools for free.

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