Digital Inclusion

July 14, 2024


At Grameenphone, our commitment to creating a safer digital environment extends to children and marginalized communities. Through strategic partnerships and initiatives, we deliver comprehensive training programs tailored for children, parents, teachers, and marginalized communities, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the digital landscape securely. With over 2.5 million individuals already trained and annual campaigns reaching over 25 million people, we are actively engaged in fostering dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders to ensure a safer internet for all.

In 2023, our collaboration with Plan International marked a significant milestone in our mission. With a clear objective to empower eight vulnerable communities, we embarked on a groundbreaking survey—the first of its kind in Bangladesh—to understand their internet usage, challenges, and aspirations. Engaging with 4,800 individuals through group discussions across 8 communities spanning 19 districts, we employed a smart, scientific methodology focused on real impact. Now, with the Baseline Survey completed, we're providing personalized training content to 18 communities to 2.3 million vulnerable individuals, showcasing the transformative power of responsible business practices. Paired with this effort we are disseminating education though community radio stations.

Our beneficiaries, primarily girls and youth, are at the heart of our initiatives. Our training sessions not only impart practical guidance but also amplify the voices of those often overlooked. As we expand our reach, we're involving local leaders like Union Parishad Chairmen and religious figures to ensure community-wide participation. This phase encompasses module adjustments, staff capacity building, youth-led community campaigns, and rigorous evaluation measures to drive sustainable change.

In collaboration with UNICEF, we're furthering our efforts to enhance digital literacy and promote online safety for children across Bangladesh. Through the initiative titled "Strengthening Digital Literacy and Secure, Ethical, and Responsible Use of Digital Technology for Children in Bangladesh," we aim to equip children and adolescents with essential digital literacy skills while raising awareness about safe and responsible digital practices. This partnership reflects our commitment to addressing the evolving challenges and opportunities in the digital landscape, ensuring that children have the support and guidance they need to navigate the digital world ethically and responsibly.

Our commitment to creating a safer digital environment extends to children and marginalized communities. 

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